Welcome to Compton & Shawford Festival Choir
Compton and Shawford Festival Choir was founded on September 30th 1921, with the aim of joining all local choirs and singers to sing together as part of the Winchester and County Music Festival.
For 100 years uplifting concerts have been held in venues such as the beautiful Winchester Cathedral, and Romsey Abbey, giving all singers in the area the opportunity of singing major choral works together.
We generally perform the classical choral repertoire including not only works by Bach, Handel, Mendelssohn and Vivaldi but also by more modern composers such as Karl Jenkins and John Rutter.
We also enjoy performing popular works including supporting “come and sing” events.
Our conductor expertly rehearses the mixed ability choir by means of a blend of hard work and entertainment, to achieve the high standards of choral performance expected in Romsey Abbey and the great cathedral at Winchester.
Find more about us and our concerts by visiting the other web pages on this site.
You are welcome to just turn up to meet us and sit in on one of our rehearsals held on Monday evenings 7.15 for 7:30